The spinal column is the extension of the brain containing millions of nerves spread out thoughout the whole body, through which the brain communicates back and forth with the body telling all the limbs, organs, cells, etc. what to do, how to do it and when to do it. When the spine is out of alignment it can cause a tremendous malfuction in the body causing pain, fatigue, tireness, dizziness, high blood pressure, and the list goes on and on and on. The spinal column consists of vertebrae, discs, ligaments, muscles and nerves and is divided in three sections: seven cervical vertebrae (neck bones), twelve dorsal vertebrae (attached to ribs) and five lumbar vertebrae (lower back). PROPER ADJUSTMENT OF YOUR BODY WILL KEEP YOUR SPINAL STRUCTURE IN LINE, IN HARMONY AND IN BALANCE AND MAY IMPROVE OR RELIEVE PROBLEMS SUCH AS: Allergies - Asthma - Chronic Ear and Sinus Infection - Chronic Neck and Back Pain - Dizziness - Fibromyalgia - Herniated Discs - Migraines - Multiple Sclerosis - Scoliosis - Seizures - Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) - Arm Pain - Athletic Injuries - Bed Wetting - Cerebral Palsy - Child Development Problems - Chronic Fatigue - Chronic Infection - Chronic Pain - Constipation - Depression - Diabetes - Digestive Problems - Dyslexia - Dystonia - Eye Infections - Female Disorders - Flu Symptoms - Colds - Hay Fever - Headaches - Heart Conditions - High Blood Pressure - Hip Pain - Immune System Deficiency - Indigestion - Infertility - Knee Problems - Learning Disability - Leg Pain - Sleep Disorder - Muscle Spasms - Numbness and Tingling - Organ Dysfunction - Poor Vision - Problems from Automobile Accidents, Slips or Falls - Arthritis - Frozen Shoulder and Pain - Sleep Disorders - Spasmodic Disorders - Stiffness - Scoliosis - Tendonitis - Tight Muscles - Torticollis - Whiplash Injuries - Etc...


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