Evil Oppression and Possession Inside The Church, Overlooked by Christian Leaders. I don’t mean to scare you, I just mean to warn you about what I believe is one of the most powerful tactics Satan has ever used inside our churches--Spiritual Blindness. Oppression and possession by evil spirits inside our churches are also being overlooked, and not being taken very seriously by our leaders. Satan is still the number one killer in the entire world today. Now, honestly, how often do you hear your pastor say something like what I just said? Or, perhaps, I should have asked, "When was the last time you heard any of your leaders talking about oppression and possession inside the church?" Usually we have more important things to talk about, such as: football games, parties, Halloweens, Christmas programs, shows, movies, weddings, and so forth. We as church leaders are ignoring the warnings God’s Word gives us. Perhaps, we are not taking God’s counsels seriously. It doesn’t matter where I go to minister, whether here in the U.S. or overseas, whether here or there, whether at Pr. Good Guy’s church or at Pr. Bad Guy’s evangelistic meeting, one thing I always encounter--evil spirits. Evil manifestations of all kinds, colors and shapes happening inside our churches. That tells me something that the church of Jesus Christ is not yet completely set free. Recently I was invited to minister at a couple of churches in Taiwan. There also the situation wasn’t different than the one in the United States. During our regular ministrations, under the power of the Holy Spirit, demons began to manifest in both Christians and non-Christians alike. Most of the manifestations were happening in the stomach and abdomen areas, due to the fact that in Asia it is very common to hear about food and drink being offered to idols during ritual ceremonies and festivals. As some of you may know that kind of religious rituals is very common in Asian countries, it is a part of their tradition to sacrifice food to idols and then eat them. Many children are also victims of this abuse since they have no choice but to obey their parents. This is one of the types of generational curses that travel in the family tree passing on from generation to generation. Now if you were to ask me what is the church in Asia doing to change the reality there, I would say “not much” especially because they are following the footsteps of the American church very closely. Anyway, the crisis in the church of Jesus Christ is everywhere. Don’t get me wrong I am not denying the restoration and transformation power given by Jesus Christ, I am not just seeing the church stepping up to the plate to be what Jesus has called it to be.


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