Inner healing is a healing that takes place in a different manner, usually with the word of knowledge together with prayer. We say inner healing because in most cases the person's emotions are affected by a number of incidents that have occurred during their lifetime. These can contribute to many problems including depression, substance abuse, divorce, illness, fear, etc. Also, problems that sometimes begin at the time of conception and stay with the person throughout their life, for example: attempted abortions, violence, abuse, rejection. In some cases asthma is just a reflection of mistreatment and abuse in someone's past. Absence of one of the parents can also cause an emotional reaction that manifests as asthma. Depression can also be the result of mistreatment, abuse, violence, and loneliness in someone's life. The idea of ministering inner healing is to ask God to heal the person from the past hurts. Forgiveness is an important factor to deal with during an inner healing session.
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