The most common types of cancers are cell-related ones. An increase of cancerous cells in one’s body will eventually spread the disease within the body. There are cancers known as cancers of the bones, cancer of the blood (Leukemia), liver cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, cancer of the spine, colon cancer, etc…
Being a Christian who believe in the power of God, I truly believe that the best treatment for cancer is intensive prayer sessions with laying on of hands. I don’t believe that the spirits that are causing the malfunction of the body can resist an intensive prayer session, especially if the prayer warriors target the spirits by rebuking them and casting them out in Jesus’ name. The power that is in the name of Jesus will by default eliminate the power of that particular spirit who’s holding the person captive, and so forth. I have no definition whether cancer is a particular spirit or a legion, whatever it is it will yield to the power of Jesus’ name.
This is how you should pray, “Spirit of (type of cancer), I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to leave this person’s body right now. I rebuke you and bring your power to nothing in Jesus’ mighty name. Come out of this person and enter him/her no more. Immune system I command you to fight the sick cells that are causing this cancer to manifest. Good cells I command you to fight and digest the bad cells in this body, in the name of Jesus Christ.
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